VIF files
If you want to autoplay a movie from CD
you must put file named ViPlay.vif in ViPlay's directory on that
.vif files support relative pahts.
For eg. if ViPlay.exe is in %CDROM%\program\ViPlay
directory, and movie is in %CDROM%\movie directory than path
in Movie section should look like this:
Section [Main]
NumberCDs=N |
Optional |
CD=N | Optional if NumberCDs is present then
Required N=Number of current CD |
Section [Movie]
Title=AML Movie |
Optional |
Directory=path |
Required |
File=AML.avi | Required Name of the movie file |
AudioDirectory=path | Optional Directory where external audio is located. If not exists uses Movie directory. For eg. AudioDirectory=. |
AudioCount=N AudioFile1=SoundFile1.wav |
Optional |
AudioStream=a,b | Optional Default audio stream First value (a) can be: -1 = Play All, 0 = None, 1..x = Stream Second value (b) can be: 0 = Internal, 1 = External For eg. AudioStream=1,0 |
Section [Subtitles]
Directory=path |
Optional |
Count=N | Optional N=number of subtitle files |
File1=English|MyEnglish.sub File2=EspaƱol|MySpanish.vsf |
Optional |
Font1=Name,Charset,Size,Style Font2=Name,Charset,Size,Style |
Optional |
Colors=color,border,shaddow,background Position=N |
Optional Subtitle colors and position. Colors format are in decimals or in reversed RGB ($BBGGRR) For example the Blue color: In decimals is: 16711680. In reversed hex is: $FF0000. Colors=$FF0000,$00FF00,$0000FF,$FF00FF Note that In hex (BGR) you always have to put the $ first. Position=N (where N is number from 1 to 100). This lines are auto generated just press F10 in player and you will be prompted for name and location of .vif file. |
Visible=0|1 | Optional Subtitles: 0=off; 1=on |
Delay=N | Optional N=Subtitle delay in milicesonds |
Default=N |
Optional |
StartTime=HH:MM:SS |
Optional For eg.: |
Section [ChaptersN] -> N=CD number
Count=N |
Optional |
1=00:00:10 Chapter 1 |
Optional |
StartTime=HH:MM:SS |
Optional For eg.: [Chapters1] [Chapters2] If chapters for all CDs are in .vif file then all chapters will
be displayed and player will ask for right CD if you choose chapter
that is not on current CD. Note: If chapters on all CDs start form 0 then you don't need
this option. [Chapters2] |
Section [Options]
Main=0|1 |
Optional |
Playlist=0|1 | Optional Playlist window: 0=off; 1=on |
Video=x,y,w,h | Optional Sets the video window size and position. If you put -1 in x and/or y is x and/or y centered. If you put -1 in w and/or h is original w and/or h size. For eg.: Video=-1,-1,320,240 |
Fullscreen=0|1 | Optional Full screen mode: 0=off; 1=on |
DigitalZoom=x,y |
Optional |
Offset=x,y |
Optional |
Aspect=x:y | Optional Aspect ratio. For eg.: Aspect=16:9 |
Playrate=p | Optional Sets the movie playback rate (percentage). Values are: 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 175 and 200. For eg.: Playrate=175 |
Volume=N | N=(0 to 100) |
Balance=N | N=(-100 to 100) Balance=0 for center. |
Res=XxYxZ | Optional X=Width, Y=Height, Z=Color depth For eg.: Res=1024x768x16 |
For movies on more than one CD, subtitle file on all CDs must be the same. File name doesn't matter, only actual subtitle.